The Catholic campus ministry staff are employees of the Diocese of Rochester. We are located on Cornell University campus through an affiliation agreement with Cornell United Religious Work. Our use of Cornell facilities is by invitation of Cornell and is overseen by the CURW facilities manager. Our use of Sage Chapel, Anabel Taylor Hall Chapel, and other unconsecrated buildings for Catholic worship is by special permission of the Bishop of Rochester, granted in favor of the Catholics who live, work, and study at Cornell.
Liturgical services are held in Sage Chapel on Sundays, Ash Wednesday, and during the Sacred Triduum.
Liturgical services are held in Anabel Taylor Hall Chapel during the week, including on holydays of obligation.
Please note that both Sage Chapel and Anabel Taylor Hall Chapel are non-denominational, University-managed, multi-function spaces. They are not Catholic chapels. We rent them for our services. They are open for anyone (including Catholics) to use at unreserved times, provided such use would not hinder others' use.
CCC staff have their offices on Level G of Anabel Taylor Hall. The Catholic Library (ATH G22) and Lounge (ATH G19) are popular community gathering spaces for study, prayer, meetings, and hanging out. All are welcome! There's always plenty of coffee, snacks, and leftovers from Wednesday Night Dinner.
The Founders Room is directly opposite Anabel Taylor Hall. It is a university-managed, shared space. We use it as the venue for our Wednesday night Community Dinners. When not otherwise in use, it is an open study space.
Quiet, private rooms for meditation, prayer, and reflection are located in Mann Library (Room 282) and Anabel Taylor Hall (ATH 218). These are non-denominational spaces that anyone can use. Catholics can temporarily place crucifixes and/or images of the saints in these spaces to aid prayer, provided that doing so would not offend anyone who happens to be in the room at the time and that our Catholic devotionals and sacramentals are put away in the designated storage cabinet upon departure.